Our Governors
As a Governing Body, we provide strategic leadership in the school and hold the school’s senior leadership to account.
The full Governing Body meets at least six times a year, once each short term. Our governors are a mix of parents, members of the local community, members of staff and representatives of the Rochester Diocese. Our governors are as below:
Mrs Daphne Rowlands
Co-opted Governor (Re-appointed 06/02/22 for 4 years)
Attended 6 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23
‘I have spent most of my working life working in Further and Higher education. I was Assistant Principal at a large FE/HE college. For the past nine years I have also been involved in reviewing institutions across the country that offer higher education programs.
I enjoy walking, reading and playing bridge and the ukulele and being with my grandchildren when the opportunity arises.
I retain an interest in all education from pre-school to post compulsory. It is after all our children's future.’
Current Responsibilities: Quality of Education, Finance and Attendance
Business Interests: none
Mr Roger Gillett
Foundation Governor (Appointed 22/07/20 for 4 years)
Attended 4 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23.
‘I have lived in the village since 2007 with my wife Ann and we have two daughters and five grandchildren.
I had a long career in financial service. Prior to retiring from my role as an independent Financial, I worked in a wide variety of roles primarily for a major Building Society. I have a degree in economics and hold professional qualifications with the Institute of Bankers and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators.
In addition to being a keen golfer, I have a passion for music and am a member of the Parochial Church Committee for the School’s local church, St Peter & St Paul Trottiscliffe.’
Current Responsibilities: Health & Safety and Finance
Business Interests: none
Ms Jo Francisco
Parent Governor (Appointed 01/11/21 for 4 years)
Attended 5 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23.
'My son joined Trottiscliffe School in Reception in the summer and I was very impressed by how well he settled and embraced learning and socialising. Our children's happiness and success are what we live for and such is why I nominated myself as Parent Governor, hoping I could 'give back' and contribute to the school's ongoing success. I'm widely travelled and have experience in many work sectors, combined with a passion for balance of life skills, academics and creativity for children, and equal opportunities for all. I hope to represent parent views alongside teachers' and school's demands and provide a fair perspective to compliment all, in the children's best interest always. I hope to contribute with new creative/innovative ideas allowing Trottiscliffe to continue to stand out from the 'norm' and provide our children the best and perhaps even tailored opportunities to learn, grow, feel safe and well in these grounding primary years.'
Current Responsibilities: EYFS and SEND
Business Interests: none
Mrs Annette Hinton
Co-opted Governor (Appointed 21/05/21 for 4 years)
Attended 6 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23
'I am a committed Christian and have been an authorised Lay Minister for 36 years. (Pastoral assistant since 1984 and Lay Reader since 1990) During this time, I have experienced two interregnums and was asked to step up and fill some of the gaps left by the previous incumbent. e.g. Working with the school and leading the service for Education Sunday.
I was a Foundation Governor at another Church of England school for years, during which time I was responsible for staff appointments , eventually becoming Responsible Officer when the school became Grant Maintained.
In my working life I was the Manager of a charity which offered mediation, restorative justice and training in a variety of situations. I have personally mediated dozens of conflicts in schools.
I served for many years on the Children’s Trust and was Chair of the emotional wellbeing group. In this role I undertook research which resulted in the “ top ten tips for parents” – An easy to understand parenting guide.
Two of my daughters are Assistant Heads in Primary schools and I have six grandchildren'
Current Responsibilities: Christian Distinctiveness & SIAMS
Business Interests: none
Mrs Chloe Johnstone
Co-opted Governor (Appointed 18/05/21 for 4 years)
Attended 5 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23
'With over a decade working in education, specifically focused on careers education and personal development and training, I want to share my knowledge and experience, and give back to the local community. I live by the motto ‘everyone deserves the opportunity to be the best version of themselves’ and feel passionately about supporting and helping others.
I enjoy walking my very energetic dogs, going to the theatre and socialising with my friends and family. '
Current Responsibilities: Training & Development, Wellbeing and Cybersecurity
Business Interests: none
Mrs Jeanette May
Co-opted Governor (Appointed 09/02/21 for 4 years)
Attended 5 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23.
‘ I have worked in Special Educational Needs for the past twenty years, after retraining when my youngest child started school. I feel strongly that all children should be given the same opportunities for learning, regardless of their needs and I am pleased to be able to support this in my local community. I enjoy reading, travelling and socialising and love spending time with my family, particularly with my new grandson.’
Current Responsibilities: Safeguarding and Wellbeing
Business Interests: none
Mr Alan Palmer
Co-opted Governor (Appointed 10/07/23 for 4 years)
Attended 1 of 1 meetings last academic year, 2022-23.
Born in Manchester. Attended teacher training college in Streatham, studying English and Drama for Primary and Middle school. Most of my career was spent in the civil service, in what has become the DWP. My work always centred on supporting clients into work, in local offices, as a staff trainer and then as a Partnership Manager working with employers to consider or recruit claimants from all the disadvantaged groups. Moved to the village 4 years ago. I am still a non-executive director of a recruitment and training company.
Current Responsibilities: Health & Safety
Business Interests: Member of Parish Council and the Parochial Church Committee
Mr Iain Turner
Parent Governor (Appointed 30/01/24 for 4 years)
Current Responsibilities:
Business Interests: none
Mrs Michele Yates
Foundation Governor (Appointed 20/08/20 for 4 years)
Attended 6 of 6 meetings last academic year, 2022-23.
'I have worked in education for the last 34 years as a Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, SENCO and Local Authority Inclusion Advisor and Advisory Teacher. I currently work part time in North Kent for the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service.
Most recently, my family have also taken on the restaurant Bowley’s at the Plough in Trottiscliffe, where my son is Head Chef, so in my spare time I support the family business.'
Current Responsibilities: SEND
Business Interests: Director of Bowley’s at The Plough
Rev'd Helen Burn
Ex-Officio Appointed 12/07/23
Current Responsibilities: Christian Distinctiveness & SIAMS and Pupil Premium
Business Interests: none
Miss Lucy Henderson
Head Teacher
Appointed 01/09/2016
Attended 6 of 6 meetings during previous academic year, 2022-23.
Mrs Vicky Frame
Staff Governor
Appointed 08/07/2022
Attended 5 of 6 meetings during previous academic year, 2022-23.
Current Responsibilities: Website Compliance
Previous governors who have served in past 12 months
Name of Governor | Role | Term | Responsibilities | Declaration of Interests | Attendance at Meetings 2022/23 |
Mrs S Hall | Parent Governor | 1/11/21 to 11/7/23 | Wellbeing | 4 out of 5 |
This information is updated each seasonal term.
This page was last updated on the 11th June 2024.