Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Trottiscliffe CEP School, we recognise the importance of helping all children achieve their full potential; emotionally, socially, physically and academically. We ensure they are all fully included in all school activities, seeking external support and facilities when needed. For further information please see our SEND policy to the right.
Sometimes children need additional support in different aspects of the school curriculum or their personal wellbeing. This could be a short term arrangement or longer if required.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities department (SEND) comprises an SEN coordinator (SENCO), Miss Lucy Henderson, with the responsibility for coordinating special educational needs within the school and a number of Teaching Assistants. We operate within the framework of the SEN Code of Practice.
Children are given extra help within the classroom or, where appropriate, individually or in small groups elsewhere in the school. We are always happy to meet with parents who have concerns about their children’s progress at school. We believe it is vital that all parents become closely involved at the earliest stages of their child’s learning processes. We cannot overstate the value of parental support in all cases, but particularly so where children have been identified as requiring this additional help.
We also offer a very caring environment where children’s wellbeing is paramount and offer nurture and support to facilitate happy children.
At Trottiscliffe CEP we also pride ourselves in the support that we offer more able children. This ability may be apparent in general intellectual ability, specific aptitude in one or more subjects, in leadership, sports or the creative or performing arts ability.